An Unusual Inquiry for Headstones in Liverpool

headstoneRecently we had an enquiry about unique headstones. A Liverpool widow called us with a different type of request. She wanted to honor her husband and his life in a different, nontraditional way. She explained that her husband was 98 years old at the time of his passing and even though she missed him dearly she did not want a traditional headstone. While talking to her we learned that her husband lived a great and successful life but what people would remember about him was his sense of humour.

What she wanted our professional help with was paying tribute to his sense of humour without being classless or tacky. She felt she had found a perfect place for him to be laid to rest in Liverpool. Headstones, she said sometimes did not seem to incorporate the deceased person personality and she really wanted to make sure that when loved ones visited the grave site or a passerby read the headstone that they would leave with a smile on their faces. We talked with her for a bit and got a good feel for her husband and how he looked at life and came up with a few quotes for her.

When we placed the stone at the grave site, she just smiled. She said that the quote we found for her was the most perfect eulogy that anyone could have given him. Not everyone treats death the same and each person or family has different needs during this time and we at T.Lyon & Sons are here to help, even with a less than traditional request. So when looking for headstones, Liverpool residents should give us a call and let us help you honour your loved one.