Advice for Choosing and Erecting Headstones in Knowsley

headstones KnowsleyErecting of headstones in Knowsley is the final and longest-lasting tribute you can pay to a dear departed relative or friend. A headstone succinctly captures the name and age of the loved one who has passed on, and may also have a line or two that captures a special attribute or a cherished memory. A beautifully designed and professionally erected tombstone is a place where you and your family can gather to remember the times you has with your late kin while appreciating the craftsmanship and dedication that went into creation of the stone. Therefore, it is important to be fully informed of the various factors that could affect your choice of headstone.

One of the biggest issues with regard to erecting headstones is stone leaning. It is generally recommended that you do not put up a headstone until at least six months after burial. This allows sufficient time for the ground to settle. The wording of the memorial stone should also be chosen carefully. While there are no hard and fast rules on what to put on an epitaph, most churches suggest having a simple and dignified inscription which avoids the use of slang or abbreviations. Headstones can be made from a variety of materials, mostly depending on the location where it is to be placed. Some churches may insist on only a certain type of stone to be used on all gravestones. For example, on exposed areas such as open hillsides, soft stone such as Portland may not be ideal due to the effects of weathering. In Knowsley, headstones may be chosen with confidence from T Lyon and Son.

Once you have settled on which headstone that you want to use and agreed on the wording that should be carried on the stone, you need skilled craftsmen to execute your idea. T. Lyon and Son have been producing headstones in Knowsley to the highest standard and with the best materials available since 1929. The company’s staff listens to you with an empathetic ear and work with you to ensure that you memorably express the memories of those you love. Find out more about this service from the website.